Wednesday, February 25, 2009

kk trip - pulau tiga 1

the next day we go to pulau tiga~anyway...we still at kk...we need to have 3 hours on road and 30 minutes boat to pulau tiga.....

tat why..someone will sleep in the car...ahaha....i oso sleep in the car...onli ai ling cannot sleep~

siew lee and rezebel~

and then we reach there...waiting for the boat...super hot~

so everyone hide at the shop house there..simon, the leader~ahahaa

blue skY~
someone got 20cents~ahahahaha

yeaH~no going to pulau tiga~


damn fasT~

the other island :P

i saw flying fish wor..but not manage to take pic~

the " driver " of the boaT~

yeaH~we reach pulau tiga~

inside the pulau's jungle

our room -__- so.....dun know how to roommate~ahahaha~

surviver island...tat why so.....aduH~


my leGs~ahahahaa

the water so clean...better than miri de~

no ppl de beach..of course lah...the camp onli have us bah...8 ppL~stupid de~

our teaM~woooo~

someone took this and simoN~


bearlim said...

wow! all photo very nice :)

ahkian said...

ahahaha~thanks wor~

cRankinG lamEMO said...

why dun go manukan?more water activities...