Tuesday, December 9, 2008

my new helper

who my new helper?!this one! photo machine(forget wat it name)....wahahahaaa..but nothing do with my drawing....but my scanner got a new friend^^

dad buy this...bcos his friend get a luck draw from annual dinner but he dun wan this..so he offer my dad then my dad bring him back home~

tada.......small photo machine in ahhhkian house!

small screen but not a touch screen...

ok...now the problem is the paper for printing is RM108 for 120pcs......more than 80cents per piece...outside only cost like 45 cent or 60 cents for 4R...ahahaha...just for fuN..

1 comment:

Janelle said...

how much did ur dad pay for this?

i went and asked about canon;s before, the cost to print a photo is almost same with outside..and the machine cost about 500