Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CJ7 7仔 ,gift from the charity

yesterday morning...when my order come..a polite guy come and some something about the charity things and show us the pic of the kid and say that they need helps...after tat he wan us to buy the cj7 for 10 dollar and give it to the charity and help the poor children...bcos i wan to eat my breakfast so i give him 10 dollar and then get tis...ahahahaa...nolah, just helping the kids and 10 dollar is not much but at least help them a bit...if he wanna cheat us then oso nvm..who know it really for the charity...should be nice if i can help da children^^

where is the cj7...i put in da car and din take it down...dun know where is it..nvM..for charitY~

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