anyway, we decide to take railway to go to mid valley...but when we in the train, we all regret...cos we all become sardine in da many ppl...the train arrive late~ below is da pic i take when we all wait at the back...actually we should go ahead to wait for da train...luckly we found out tat...ahahaha
when reach midvalley...i oledi quite tired...ahahaha....waO...midvalley is a nice place but i din really walk a round cos too big...then i meet rezebel and her mum...her mum belanja me eat nyonya foods and ice cream...i forget to take the pic of nyonya food but da ice cream i remember..but i forget the da name of da ice crem...i order the soursop..waO..really nice....i wanna eat again but cant find in timesquare or sungai wang...seee da look so nice~
after mid valley, we meet poleen and she have a she bring us hang around...i think she ask this quite a few time,"where u wanna go???" and my answer is owes "i dun know, i live in miri"...ahahah...sorry,cos i really dun have any idea~then she bring us to 1utama and cuve~
tis pic is take by her using my hp...when we decide to sit down and have some drinks and food...
why i din smile???kena check until cant smile...maybe too tired...but beside me is a leng lui, i should be smile de bah...forget how 2 smile...sorry poleen...ehehehe..anyway, really dun like to take pic at nite...aH..i look so stupiD....
after our fooD and Drinks...we go around da KL....see this building..merdeka hall??forget liao...i know the opposite the building is merdeka field gua...hehehe...sorrryyyy....
after tat she bring us to see the pub many ppl there...but we din go down...but the most funny things is tat, when we turn into the road, many ppl wave the hand to us and call i ask poleen,"wao, u so famous many ppl wait for us ah"...actully they are the one to sell ticket of the parking space...i oso dun know...i saw some sport car around and boys gals with nice look & wearinG~next time i should go there time...
turn a few rounds then she bring me back to ma hotel....if poleeen dun have a car and bring me around, i think i wont see so many old street and place which i may not able to find it^^thanks poleen for bring me around~ and the funny happen when she and rezebel back home when they put me to ma hotel...policeman storY~luckly he din write u cheque...ahahaha...
Hi Ah Kian! Sorry for the late comment, been busy lately. It was good to know you enjoyed your time with me and I was happy to be able to bring you around KL and being able to meet up with you. I'm not from UK! lol. Still a Miri girl incorporated into a city called KL.
btw, nice new layout and header
oh and it's dataran merdeka
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