2day i am drawing for my banner...maybe doing it for quite a long time...so i decide to go out walk walk...another reason is my sis wake me up when i take a nap....so i ask her wanna eat ice cream...we decide to eat magnum...wahahahahahaha....so i walk to da shop house...quite near my house....
this is the shop....not the main door....
basket ball field which i owes play basket ball...
2 magnum....one for me one for ma sis....of course i pay de laH~
eat ice cream while colour my banner...and it help me to finish them fasT...wahahahahah..quite a long time din eat magnum^^
wow! i cant do any photoshop or drawing if i eating something. but your magnum can help you finish your drawing faster huh? so good~~^^
ah...i used to do tat...eat and drink...make me more concentrated^^
cos sometimes bit bit boring liao..so eat something may help me to refresh ma mind...wakakaka
and i using Corel draw...so maybe no problem when eating...hehee
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